Moving with the Earth Body

The body is our home, as is the larger body of the earth. When these two bodies move in harmony, a dance unfolds. Both are made whole. RETURNING HOME is a breathtaking and groundbreaking dance documentary in which 80-something Anna Halprin, pioneer of postmodern dance, uses movement as a means of connecting the individual to nature, and art to real life. In collaboration with performance artist Eeo Stubblefield, Halprin moves along thresholds of earth, wind, water and fire, discovering lessons in loss and liberation. Whether surveying the charred remains of her home, or her scars from cancer and aging, Halprin finds beauty and meaning even in the destructive forces of nature. A testament to the importance of honoring the human and earth bodies, this unforgettable film takes us on a mythic and very personal journey home.  
(2003, 45 min.)

More Open Eye Pictures films about Anna Halprin:
» Positive Motion
» Embracing Earth

Sometimes in nature there are violent actions—tidal waves, fires, storms, actions that destroy—and so it is with the body as well.
— Anna Halprin, in film

Andrew Abrahams

Artistic Director
Eeo Stubblefield

Dance Artist
Anna Halprin

Grand Jury Award
Dance on Camera Festival

Moondance Film Festival